Publisher's logos on old postcards

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Sample logos

This site is to help identify the publisher from the logo, for European postcards dating before 1939, concentrating on publishers which were not exclusively producing topographic postcards (views). Another way of describing it is, we cover cards mainly showing people, cards often in portrait rather than landscape format; also the many forms of seasonal and other greetings cards. Logos of publishers not yet identified here are also shown. For more general information and useful references

Added in 2023: Although this site was created to be an aid in identifying publishers, I'm afraid the collector's instinct has led to me treating it as a collection of cards of different publishers, and adding cards even when they show the full name.

Inconsistencies: Names are in alphabetic order but somtimes using the leading initial and sometimes the surname. With monograms it is pot luck. Places names can be the English or original version.

Thanks are due to the various online sources of information, as credited, and to Jean Ritsema for large contributions of images and sources of information.

Comments and corrections welcome at

David Schofield